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Tuesday, November 21, 2017


吳偉榮 - 各位同學, 我剛收到了施琇惠的子女電子郵件(下面 comment),施琇惠同學已經離開了,還附上了她以前的照片,讓我們一起記住懷念她吧!
邵國維- Finally she got it over and entered a new world. She has finished her job in this world. I wish her spirit rest in peace in the eternal one. We have met several times in Taichung with 鄭曼婷 and 曾玄哲 after she became a Buddhist nun and have been chatting about life and death. Now she knows it better. I will always remember this lovely girl.
顧團團 - 施琇惠同學曾在金山灣區居住多年,早些年施琇惠也常參加灣區同學們的聚會,同處一堂,高談闊論,如今俱成往事矣!
近年來已有幾位同學相繼歸去。人生到了七十左右,好像是下班了,大家搭同一輛列車回家。有人住得近,先下車。有人住得遠,後下車。不論先下後下,列車總是有終點站的。 但是也不必悲觀,善於養生,活得健康,一定要使未來的日子過得長久而有意義。𧫴以曹孟德的「龜雖壽」與同學們共勉。 龜雖壽 - 曹孟德
幸甚至哉!歌以詠志。 顧團團 11/16/2017
余麗華 - Thank you Susan for letting us know of this sad news. Although death is a natural process of life, it's still rather difficult to accept. Zenda was very fortunate to have three lovely children to accompany her and also have a adorable grandchild to cheer her up at the final stage of her life. Now she is at peace. Amitabha.
I am grateful to George for reminding that life is beautiful, cherishing our family and friends, and staying active in community work or doing good deeds. Your friend, Angela in PA
江仁台 - 送施琇惠同學
聽到施琇惠同學往生,心情複雜,她是我們近40年的金山灣區近鄰同學,於1978年是最早來灣區定居的同學,往事歷歷 。
灣區女同學,除施琇惠外,還有林美珠 。10多年前林美珠往生前,施琇惠和我們都多次到Stanford Hospital探望、照顧,施琇惠還幫林美珠梳頭解痛。約10年前施琇惠生病住Stanford Hospital時,我曾往探望並載她出院回她姊家。此外,多年前,有同學來灣區,我們常到施琇惠家相聚。
施琇惠信佛,曾學針灸 。5年前施琇惠中風,不良於行,佛是支撐她度日的精神泉源。如今她解脫了,祝 她西天路上好走!
許淑慎 - Dear Zinnia, I am very sorry to hear about the pass away of your mom and our beloved friend. I thought about her in a week ago and it is in deed very sad for your family and for all of us her friends. Is it okay to forward your e-mail to our college classmates? Best regards, Susan
Hi Susan - Yes, please feel free to forward the email & photo collage to anyone who knew her. I think we have some of your college classmates on the contact list we have but probably not everyone. Thank you for keeping her in your thoughts. Best, Zinnia